If I Knew Then What I Know Now
“I have finally realized, to be happy I don’t need to change myself, I just need to be myself.”
-Steve Friedman
When I wrote my memoir, In Search of Courage, I realized that the common thread of introversion I thought was a curse all my life was actually a blessing. For years I wore a mask at work and coped with my stress by sacrificing my health and personal relationships. Now I embrace my own introversion as a toolkit to become a happier me.
My purpose is to help other introverts to accelerate their own journey to discover their strengths and how to apply them at home and at work. I seek to inspire others to overcome past obstacles and find joy, pride, and confidence in life.
I’ve retired from corporate America and enjoy sharing articles, books, quizzes, and resources through my website, I’m excited to combine my career experiences and enthusiastic belief in all introverts through my new leadership book, The Corporate Introvert: How to Lead and Thrive with Confidence.
I love to engage with fellow introverts through social media and email, so drop me a line.
Steve hails from Texas and enjoys family time and travels with his wife and three kids.