An Introvert's Poem to Surviving & Thriving During the Holidays
#IntrovertPoem #SurvivingHolidays #ThrivingHolidays #NationalPepperMonth #AnimalPersonalities #BeyondIntroversion #Quiet #ClimbingKili #Win50GiftCard
Holidays can be a stressful time for nearly everyone. Survival, not to mention enjoyment, for introverts can be especially tricky.
Here's a few tips that rhyme to help you have a better time.

Thanksgiving is my favorite time in all the year
But I must be balanced to enjoy family cheer.
We are all ready to stuff ourselves with plenty of foul
And sit back watching some football with a scream and a howl.
We get a big scoop of cranberry sauce and chunky stuffing
Saving room for the green bean casserole and cornbread muffin.
If your custom is to share at the table all your thanks
Plan your points in advance to avoid the aggravating angst.
To top if off could be pumpkin or pecan pie a la mode
Then we're sure to spend hours in line for the family commode.
My dad, sisters, and I used to lie on the floor to digest
Rolling in misery, barely able to move I must confess.
Finally picking myself up from the overeating floor
I escape with my journal to write behind close door.
Later, it's great to catch up with parents and kids
Uncles and aunts and siblings a smidge.
But endless chitchat can become a bit too much...
Us introverts must be careful not to let the holiday gobble us up.
It's really okay to carve out some down time
To relax and renew so we can return to shine.
Find a comfortable, cozy little nook
And enjoy a chapter of your favorite book.
Go for a walk to stretch legs and mind
It's one of the best ways to refresh that you will find.
Escape the house and bring the gang to a park
For open air football or kickball to start.
Build a snowman if you happen to be cold
Or take a nap if, like me, you are getting a bit old.
Friday is shopping for the extroverts to get out and play
So we can enjoy peace and quiet for a few hours that day.
Museums are open throughout the weekend
To stroll through art without have to spend.
Sign up for a 5K Turkey Trot for exercise and peace
Take deep breaths and enjoy the run along fall-colored streets.
If, like me, socializing can be agonizingly hard
Jot down some questions and topics on an index card.
Stash it in your pocket, to be frank
To peek at when your mind starts to go blank.
Find a corner to delve deeper with a small group
To share your list and get the interpersonal scoop.
You can also help cook or wash the dishes for a welcome reprieve
Without always showing your exhaustion on your sleeve.
Just keep in mind Thanksgiving weekend is a marathon not a sprint
So pace yourself with "me" time in between the social bent.
Continue to recharge your battery throughout the day
Small doses of everything is a much better way.
Enjoy the food and family but put YOU on top
So your Thanksgiving weekend won't gobble you up!
Introvert's Call to Action
Try these tips when you can, it's important to have a plan.
Holiday season has just begun, so go have some fun.
Show yourself you care, and I'll see you out there!

In the spirit of Thanksgiving...
If you enjoyed this post and rhyme,
Share to other friends you may find.
Every SHARE for this November,
Enters you in a raffle to earn some tender.
$50 Amazon Gift Card to the winner
So SHARE often...after Thanksgiving dinner.
NEXT WEEK- Leisure Learning: It's a Jungle Out There!
November is National Pepper Month!
In February of 1990, a few weeks after my wife Jennifer and I met, I invited her over for our first home-cooked meal. While I’m certainly no culinary expert, I can manage to read directions—or so I thought. Unfortunately, interpreting those directions can be a challenge. Hence, my red pepper-stuffed chicken ended up with a whole spice jar of hot red pepper flakes rather than the diced fresh red bell peppers the recipe intended. It seemed quite odd when I assembled it, but not nearly as weird as it tasted as we nibbled around the edges until the inside of our noses burned and we relegated ourselves to Domino’s Pizza.
Excerpt from In Search of Courage: An Introvert's Struggle with Addictive Behaviors
By beaconadmin
I'm not sure why I googled this topic in search of a poignant post to share with you this Thanksgiving.

Perhaps I'm already hungry for turkey? I am trying to be more mindful of what I'm eating these days. So I was curious if animals are introverts or extroverts. But this article makes sense. Our pet cats and dogs have personalities. So I suppose all other animals must too, we just aren't as familiar with them.
You can take a simple, easy, quick, and free personality test to find out your "initials" so you can see which animal you are most akin to. See the 16 Personalities link on a recent blog, Getting to Know You to take the test.
I don't see a turkey on the list. I was going to research further, but I'm not sure I want to know that much about something I'm going to devour soon!
CLIMBING KILIMANJARO - The RE-Search Goes On (11/20/2019)

November has been filled with research as daughter Maddie and I prepare to climb Kilimanjaro together in August. P.S. We track our plans and progress the 3rd Wednesday of each month so check out past blogs...and stay tuned!
I talked to some KC relatives that climbed several years ago. Great advice regarding preparation, meds, and experience. One of them reached the top and the other missed out on the last day due to altitude sickness. This is the most common reason people fall short.
Certainly, we must rely on the advice of our guides as they assess our condition, but after 5-6 days of hiking and less than sharp thinking at nearly 20,000 feet, it's understandably hard for hikers to advocate for themselves and their fortitude to march on. My biggest takeaway is to choose an agency/guide carefully and discuss all scenarios with my partner and our guides well in advance.
We've decided to climb the Machame route as it provides the highest success rate and is quite scenic (jungles, glaciers, the whole bit). I've also been researching agencies online and ordered a book to help with all the planning. Our intent is to book the hike, agents, and flights in January!
We WELCOME any experiences and recommendations from readers.

I'd love to hear from you via Facebook, LinkedIn, or Email. As always, if you leave your Email on our website, you won't have to chase around to find our blog on social will drop right into your Inbox for you to scan at your leisure. Thanks again!!!
"It's a Jungle Out There!"

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