An inspiring tale of bravery, perseverance, and miracles
#cancer #EdLevine #RonaroseTrain #Courage #Bravery #TheMiracleKnownAsEdLevine #WhiteStationPublishing #BeyondIntroversion #InSearchOfCourage
I'm proud to introduce Rona to our Beyond Introversion readers. She is a dear friend and fellow writer. I find her story quite moving and am sure it will provide courage and inspiration to all. Please enjoy her guest post...

“Stage four. Get your affairs in order, Ed.”
Lung cancer had met its match.
My friend Ed is a fighter. Against prejudice and discrimination. Poverty. War. Dyslexia. Cancer. He is a living miracle. His courage and determination so inspired me that I was compelled to write his story.
-Ronarose Train, author of The MIRACLE Known as ED LEVINE
World War II did not pause on August 19, 1942, for the birth of Ed Levine. Ambulances and cars in London were scarce, only used for emergencies, and were rarely seen. Because wounded soldiers filled the few hospitals still standing, forcing civilians to search for any makeshift clinic they could find, Ed’s parents kept a constant record of the changing locations accepting women in labor.
“Oy, Max! It’s coming soon.”
“We have to leave right away,” he said, wrapping Miriam in a shawl and picking up the bag they had prepared.
“Don’t walk so fast,” his wife pleaded. “I don’t see the bus yet.”
“It’s at the corner,” Max said after they had queued only a short time.
He carefully helped her up the stairs of the crowded double-decker and thanked the man who offered Miriam his seat.
Before long, her cries joined those of the many laboring mothers lying on the stretchers that lined the poorly equipped medical facility’s halls. Bomb explosions added to the chaos.
Miriam saw the conditions around her. “Everyone is so busy,” she said to the woman on the next cot. “And there aren’t many nurses.”
“Most of them are taking care of soldiers,” she said to Miriam. “We can’t worry. Someone will come.”
“But that woman has been lying there with her baby on her chest since I got here. I think the umbilical cord is still attached.”
“He’s healthy, so what’s the hurry?”
Miriam lowered her voice. “Have you noticed that all of us in this hall are Jews?”
“Is that why they aren’t helping us?”
“When yours is ready, you don’t need anyone. I’ve seen two already.”
Miriam writhed in pain, and between contractions, returned to her new friend’s remark. “Two what?”
“Births without help,” the woman said. “Not even a midwife.”
“Oy. Why am I having this baby?” Miriam lamented.
“It’s too late to ask that,” her friend said.
Accompanied by occasional warning sirens and explosions, Ed Levine made a howling entry into this world at 3:00 p.m. The chimes emanating from the East End’s Mary-le-Bow church heralded his arrival. Those in earshot of the hourly “Bow Bell” concerts proudly claimed their heritage: they were Cockneys, the rugged inhabitants of London’s factory and warehouse district, the area vital to England’s war effort, and a target of relentless Nazi bombing.
The East End was London’s immigrant section where housing was cheap, and ethnic hatred ran deep. Even though they faced anti-Semitism in London, the Levines believed they were better off there than facing the Communism spreading across Eastern Europe. They led a poor, hard-working life among East Enders of similar means, and all endured the constant hardship of war.
He was the child of Russian immigrants who settled in London's East End, enduring World War II bombing, years of recovery, and poverty. He faced the challenges of dyslexia and ever-present anti-Semitism even after his family immigrated to Canada and later to the United States. Forced to fight for every achievement, Ed met his greatest battle at the peak of his personal and professional success.
If cats have nine lives, Eddie Levine has ten. Ronarose Train's sensitive portrayal of this inspirational man's story-from hardscrabble poverty to comfortable success, from challenging academic experiences to sure-footed accumulation of wisdom-will capture your heart and ignite your courage.
Saralyn Richard, Author of A Palette for Love and Murder
Ed and I developed a greater bond as we delved into his history, each of us learning from and appreciating the other. It was my honor to chronicle this remarkable man’s journey.
The Miracle Known as Ed Levine, based on my friend’s true story, is an inspiring tale of bravery, perseverance, and miracles.
Ed Levine’s affairs have been in order for sixteen years...and still counting.

Author: Ronarose Train
I always loved to write but had never felt compelled to do so until 1995 at the age of 52.
While working at a trade show in Hanover, Germany, I conversed with the security guard of the neighboring exhibit. We talked about our families, life in his country after World War II, and the Germany of today.
This Memphis girl never expected to have such a fascinating and unique experience, and I wanted to remember every detail. I secured paper and began my first of many journals.
Now retired after 30 years in our family business, I’m enjoying my new career. My golden years are fulfilling and exciting as I continue to learn and make new and interesting friends through seminars, classes, and critique groups.
My first manuscript began as a one-page assignment for my creative writing class. My current work, Legacy, is still a work in progress - a tale of family rivalry, domestic abuse, mystery, and love. My protagonist and her story have grown in depth and complexity along with the author who created them.
If it happens, I write it. If I contemplate it, I write it. If I find a willing reader, I am honored to share my passion. I believe that it's never too late to follow your dream. I'm doing it.
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We all need courage in a time like this...
Available AWARD-WINNING book, In Search of Courage:
I'm honored to share that In Search of Courage won the SILVER AWARD from the Nonfiction Authors Association, who noted:
Wallflowers of the world will rejoice upon reading Steve Friedman's account of his journey.
The stories in this book go from heart-wrenching to heartwarming.
I cannot imagine how scary it must have been for the author to share so much of himself with the world but I think the fact that he has, proves that he has found the courage that he was in search of. Perhaps this book will help others to do the same! - Nonfiction Authors Association Book Awards Program
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