12 Ways to Enrich Your Year
Our Week to Shine! - A World Introvert Day Special
Today is World Introvert Day. People the world over are celebrating the magical gifts and talents of being an introvert. Unfortunately, most introverts are still stuck, either unaware or uninformed about what those gifts really are, not to mention how to use them. 2021 can be the year for you to accelerate your journey.

It is also that time of year again for millions of Americans to make New Year's resolutions. We promise to lose weight, get in shape, save money, spark up that relationship, or get that promotion at work.
Do yourself a favor and stop the nonsense. 92% of New Year's resolutions fail, 75% before even February 1st!
The end result is a dejected sense of failure despite the determination coaxed on by a glass of champagne in hand as the clock approached midnight on New Year's Eve.
Instead, make your most important investment for 2021. What could that be? Are you ready? Invest in...yourself! So how is this different from the other resolutions? No, don't buy another treadmill, a sharp suit, or a gorgeous dress. You have to dig a little deeper for a meaningful goal. We need to invest in your own well-being and, most importantly, spend only a half hour and start today.
We are all on our journey to become our best selves, but this doesn't happen without a conscious effort to learn and grow.
At the beginning of our week celebrating World Introvert Day, my video described that introversion is not a state of being, but a journey that we take starting in our youth, from Unaware to Uninformed to Enlightenment, until reaching personal Contentment with some stretching to Ambition thereafter.
For many this an agonizingly slow process of discovery. I lagged in the Unaware phase until I was in my early 20s and was Uninformed until my late 40s. Once I connected with introversion, my intense curiosity helped me cruise through Enlightenment and find the Contentment I'd been seeking all my life. Lately, my newfound confidence has paired with my dogged determination to become an Ambitious introvert, stretching my comfort zone to bring me further joy.
Many readers have share a similar story and common frustration that it takes so long to get through the first two stages to finally start to embrace themselves. Then more years pile on to establish the confidence and fulfillment that has escaped us for so long.
What can we do to accelerate that timeline, to advance our own enlightenment?
Invest in yourself! Make a commitment to advance your own self-discovery in 2021. Neh, do more than commit, begin! Make the investment today!
Since you are reading this article, you are likely not Unaware of your introversion. For those still feeling a bit uninformed about introversion, start by reading Susan Cain's Quiet, check out more introversion resources on my website, or peruse my blogs. Here are five that may be particularly helpful in your learning journey:
We can continue to learn and stretch in wonderful ways to expand our comfort zone, grow our confidence, and enrich our lives without the shackles we've worn for decades. Here are 12 ways to enrich your year:
Signup for Norma Hollis' Authenticity Class (see more here).
Become an expert at something unique. Everyone studies WWII. Try WWI or the War of 1812.
Explore your passions through new hobbies that build energy and confidence.
Journal Regularly (see Mari McCarthy's Journaling Power book for great tips).
Learn Meditation or go to a Meditation Retreat.
Write your memoir. You will learn so much about yourself through the process.
Explore Secular Buddhism, a non-religious approach to self-awareness.
Learn about Self-Compassion (Kristin Neff's Self-Compassion or teachings of Dr. Karen Bluth) or Mindfulness (Gill Hasson's Mindfulness)
Discover your Strengths. Start with our free, personalized Introvert Superpower Quiz here.
Stretch your Comfort Zone by trying something adventurous.
Teach something or someone; mentor younger introverts. What a great way to learn while helping others!
Enlist a Therapist to sort out past issues and build self-esteem.
Regardless of which Phase of Introversion you are currently in, select one or two investments. Order the book, make the phone call, make the commitment for yourself today. These investments will last well beyond your long-forgotten resolutions and provide strong personal building blocks for years to come.
My personal investment plan:
In 2019, I wrote my personal memoir (In Search of Courage: An Introvert's Story). What an introspective and therapeutic experience, whether you publish or not!
In 2020, I participated in Norma Hollis' virtual Authenticity class. I learned so much about myself and how to be confident in my choices.
In 2021, I've committed myself to a Secular Buddhism program to further my self-awareness. Noah Rasheta shares free podcasts to get started and the Secular Buddhist Network offers great online classes and communities to explore further.
I wish you the best of luck on your journey in 2021. I hope Beyond Introversion can be part of your path. I'd love to hear how you are investing in your self in 2021!
Best Regards,
Shining a Spotlight!
World Introvert Day - January 2nd

Our Week to Shine!
Sunday Introversion is our Journey (YouTube)
Monday Tools for Introverts that Work (LinkedIn)
Tuesday How the Dictionary Definition of 'Introversion' Harms Everyone
(blog via Introvert, Dear Partnership)
Wednesday 10 Ways to Power Up at Work (Blog)
Thursday Testing Your Limits & Challenging Your Fears (Blog)
Friday Top 100: Ask an Introvert (Facebook)
Saturday Your Most Important Investment for 2021 (Blog)
In Case You Missed It:
Every Friday I post a Facebook series: Top 100 - Ask an Introvert
Here's my post from this past Friday:
Top 100 - Ask an Introvert
#96: What is the 'Slow Down' Culture?
Part of our week of World Introvert Day series
Happy New Year everyone.
I recently discovered online a growing 'Slow Down' culture that I never knew existed. The more I read about it the more it made sense.
Typically, we are all running. Scurrying off to work, to pick up the kids, to squeeze in a workout, to cram in an action-packed vacation. We don't catch our breath to take care of ourselves.
My life changed 2 1/2 years ago when I retired from corporate life. Only then did I realize how fast I was going and thus how little I appreciated the people and things around me.
In retirement, I've slowed down. I talk to my family more. I picked up new creative hobbies. I re-energize alone more with walks, reading, and journaling. I've become a more well-rounded person, happier, healthier, more satisfied.
It's really a shame it took retirement to rattle me. I've wondered if I could have found this tranquility while I was still working. Perhaps not totally, but I encourage you to consider even just one way to slow down, enjoy yourself, and take care of you.
Here are a few ideas for every introvert in 2021:
Bring dinner back to the dinner table. You can even get topic suggestions online if you are drained of ideas of what to talk about.
Start/renew a hobby. Needlepoint, writing, art, woodwork, music are great ways to slow down and create.
Journal at least once a week. It's a great way to slow down, reflect, celebrate, and plan.
As much as we all wished 2020 would speed by, maybe it's time to just slow down a bit for 2021.
I wish you the very best on your journey this new year!
Check out our ongoing series every Friday by following us on Facebook.

Introverts Excel in Sales: Our guest blogger, Alicia Dale, shares stories and tips for how many introverts make great salespersons. Join us next Wednesday for an illuminating article.
Alicia Dale was a successful salesperson in long-term, complex multi-million dollar sales roles. She sold at Ryder Transpiration Systems, GE Capital, and went on to create her own firm where she taught the value of hard-to-measure skills for thousands of mid-market companies throughout the United States. Alicia's efforts helped organizations earn millions of dollars in sales and create long-term mutually beneficial client relationships.